Where have I been?

Since the gradutaion i been so....outdoor person..i graudated and lived out the summer like hell...started work and loved it!! i worked as receptionist at Rica Talk Hotell..how cool is tht? i feel like one of a kind who got the job! and aftre few munths i got in Örebro Universitet Hotell & Hospitality in Grythyttan...and tht means...i had to move from Stockholm..to my own place..alone..
So siince august 2011 i been here in grythyttan...and no i'm not livin my ass out! i miss my City to much..my family, my friends and my faltu life ♥
My study isn't tht hard...its just me who is to lazy for it :/
BTW... wanna thanku Shirley (Nukkz)  and Anna for makin me come back and do my thing.. =) i hope i can post so many posts as possible =)

Postat av: Reema

faltus 4 life :D

2011-12-05 @ 05:46:54
URL: http://reemajohnson.blogg.se/

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