Hi looverz!!!
Right nw i'm at Risha & Ryan's...later we r goin on VALBORG!!! hope it ll b a BLAST =) (meanz tht we are saying wlcm to MAY)

I just wanna run away....
Feeling for a LYX SHAKE!! (in the middle of the night)

Happy Easter!!!
Happy Easter loverz!!

may u really hav nice time today and get to knw wot Eater is reallly abt!
i'm going to bed now! hav to wake up 3:30 for SUN RISE SUVERICE!!!! can't belivie tht time flyz so fast!
well.. i'm sooooo into my Easter dress! totally !HOT! so stay tuned if u wanna c the pics ;)
Last year my dress sucked! but NO NO NO! not this time :D
My msg to all! BE HAPPY

Wrestlemania ♥
Finnaly i'm going to watch WWE WRESTLEMANIA with my father... (and.....he slept!!)

next stop.......TOWN ♥
Tought tht i'll jst chill in hood but... :D my faltu REEMA is tellin me abt precious sale in town! HOW CAN I SAY NO? :D
so ll take a shower and stairght to town, later ll go to miss.Shuana (SHAN) with Reema and in evnin GYM wth Reem... :D

Shan, Emiie & Reem

♥ Sunshine ♥
It's soo sunny nw, how on earth can Emiie sit home? while i can b out and enjoy every moment i get in my life!
Dear friends..jst wanna say tht b happy very moment..cuz u never knw whn and wat can happen next second!
Emiie hav been chillin wth Queen in town and SKHLM. Here is some pics from my little spring

Later to gym...
Peace ♥
Sunday means CHURCH!!
Today my lovers was Palm Sunday... So i 'tried' to be well dressed but u knw tht it's me we talkin abt :P
i tried sooo hard tht may-b lil nice..but look how i ended up!

I ♥ Edge
Rated R Superstar is retiring from WWE. Gonna miss him sooo much. WWE wont be the same without u love! U were best in doin bullshit, drama and crazzy stuff (LIKE ME), peace out to u Edge

Now i'm feelin so fly, LIKE A G6
hello my lovers!
I don't knw y i started my day with skol today! was so bored in class AND mad tht the teacher was talkin shit abt Mummar Gaddafi!! Love Gaddafi wth open heart!
Later at night me nd my desi girls (Me, Arooj, Nukkz, Reem) took a walk till MAX. Had some good food and thn we hitted home, cuz tomarow we hav somthin spc to do :D
Pics from today
A normal cilly day for Emiie
Hi peepz =)
feelz like totaly a nerd wth my glasses! nd been so busy wth study nw tht i look totaly a skol girl :S
nuttin much to tell abt today...jst met my stranger and went to skool and afterwords jst spended my day at home studnin for my next test :('s today'z outfit =) HAPPY STUDENT (graudation t-shirt)

Hiiiiilu ^^
today was kind of oke..had a test today...and offcourse i had my back up plan :p
After skol i waisted my day with Baby chillin billin in Norsborg...
Right now im jst to bored to study for my new test on wednesday :(
sooo u guys can enjoy wth some pics =)
Pics from last week

Mishoo @ my house =)


Patrol Girlz :D

Coffee wth Anna (Stranger)

i knw!! but i was bored so tht's wot i did :/

Gym wth Queen

Indian Party

Dholki at party

Mom tryin to blund in :p <3

Class mates makin a game

My pic in game! HOW CUTE :D

My hair is still long!! RIGHT?!?!?!

Wanna look lik this everyday!! :D


Sunday means CHURCH!!
Clips of the day!!
Photoshoot # 4
Parking Line
Photo shoot wth Reema (Queen)

After photo shoot

Saturday =)
Thanku God for a bright day <3
Had nice time at Patricia's...afterwords we hited to Baji Iscah for prayer =)
Mani & Angel

Don't miss my weekly photo shoot tomarrow =)
Graduation Stuff!
Finally Graduation is on way!!

Here are some photos from my opning of package =)
Graduation Cap & Graduation cloths :D

Wots in box :D

Ta ta ta ra :D


Right side of cap

Left side of cap

Dog tag wth my name ''Emaan Bhatti

Let's open the packet now =)

T-shirt ¨Happy Student''

Hoodie :D

With my name ''Emaan Bhatti''


Trousers ''Emiielish''

Nice naa!

Emiie & Queen

Jeffrey Campbell <3
I'm sooo lovin Jeffrey Campbell. So typical my me :P

Just look at these! aren't thy just earthly AWESOME???


Song of the day!
Want my boo <3
Yooo Blogiish :D
I'm sooooo happy! Feels like it's my weeding day :P
Will uppload my pics tomarrow.. =)
Graduation here i come!!!

Chill bill in zon.
Today after long time i had skol but a lazy person like me always screw up :p

Spended my day at Queen's and later took a walk home with her...had some really good plans for a tuesday night but...
Right now Twix, Ryan, Risha & Mishoo are here for thier drama practice.
ll get pizza later sooo =)

(Last pic wth long hair)

(getting my cut)

Emiie & Twix

Glasses doesn't suit me =/

New look =)

U like? :D
When I go loco...

did smoky eyez..wonder if u can c it :S

Awesome stuff!
Isn't it just too awesom?? lip telephone!?!?! comon, hw can u say no to this :D

Hello? Helloooo? Is it Chuck Bass? yh yh i can hear u nw :D

A sneaker Bag? COMON :D

What ya said?? do u smell fotl from it? :D

It's done now =)
Guys i'm sooo into this dress!(FOR MY GRADUATION) it's simple and a kind of like me :p

So should i order it or not?? I'm soooo sure abt this one!

Yo yo! been busy here with Queen! been spendin to much time wth her nw :P
Nw i'm going to get a new hair cut =) let's c hw it goes =)
Last time i did somthin new with my hair =)