I try my best

Tracks in our lives
Its been a while since i wrote anything here..I just didnt feel for uppdating anything new here.
Well..life has been hell of a roller-coster. No need to get in details but the way life is..i feel very blessed the way life is right now.
Mostly im at my work, yeah! i know its summer and i should be out having fun. But i feel obssesed with my work(money). The only thing i keep telling myself is that Spain is waiting for me (my vecation).
Right now i feel so lost in my own toughts..i wish i could talk to myself in mirror and get some answers. I wanna be mad and scream out, but..one thing i know is that ''never speak when you are mad'' cause later on we regret our language, behaviour, actions etc.
I know that people love to write diaries and go thru them after years..But i dont think that its my thing..Sometimes i dont even wanna remember how things have been..think about memories. (i know i sound so so sooo stupid)
You might be asking yourself that why do i share things here? Well its cause i dont wanna call anyone and annoy them with my drama..so rather explode my toughts and feelings here..
p.s i read The Fault In Our Stars..and i did not like it!! BUT i still wanna watch the movie.
Okay..now im bored..Alvida!
Nelly high heels party!!!
Hello lovers!!! Today its finally the day we been waiting for :D ITS HIGH HEELS PARTY!!! :D Will uppload pics tomarrow hopefully! Going with the best company ever Reem & Anna...well gotta go now and dress up for PPPPPPP-PARTY :D c yaaaaa

21 years in 4 hours!!
I really dont get exited about my birthdays..its too much attention and people look with love and blaaaah... last year i remember that i clelebrated it with boo in really really cute...hard to forget =) but this year...i been counting days!! this year its speciall...not that i care about birth-day...(STILL THANK GOD FOR IT...BUT U YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN) My friends have planed this day..i have no clue what they are plannig to do but they are making it sooo mysterious...plus they are planing it with boo so it makes MORE MYSTERIOUS :D

February the 14th
Valentines day has always been one of my favorites..doesnt matter if you are single or in a realtionship..the point of this day is ITS THE LOVE DAY...show your love to the people you care about.
So was my day:
- Valentine Time 00:00 with hunny boo <3
- Met a childhood friend after 10-11 years! We were classmates in Libya, so i showed him around Stockholm City etc,
- Met Graciie and had some girly girl time
- Met Reem a.k.a Queen and watched our PLL with junk food
- Youth prayer night
- Zzzzz

Somthing new to love
Got these ''socks'' from Pakistan which are pretty awesome and WARM =)

Been bored at home so tought I should do somthing. So this was my new project for 2 days =)
A boring light pink t-shirt

made cut lines in arms

cut the neck aswell so it's bigger and longer

choose another boring t-shirt

Draw with pen

Cut it out

Needle up the heart at T-shirt and sew up with contrast colour

left 1cm gap in middle as you can see

Did some cut lines at ground area aswell

At the end i pulled out the cutting lines so it look much better ;)


A friend of mine Anna has this awesome earings set thing..its like a frame from back side

New shit

Twinkle &Emiiez nails



Story of my life
Finally i have time to tell you guys WHAT'S GOING ON IN MY LIFE!?!?
well..I moved back to STHLM because I never felt happy there..I just couldnt focus on my study and my life was so UNHAPPY kind of..so right now i'm just chillin with life..i aplyed for work and i'm gonna aply for uni aswell soon.
I will uppload photos from tomarrow HOPEFULLY ;) And guess who's birthday it is in 12 days :D
Patricia's 13 years party

Feeling for some choclate shizell


Live the moment..next moment can change everything
There so much to say..but still.. it feels empty somehow...how can a perfect life change into a drama show man?? Things are like good and bad but suddenly KNOCK KNOCK on door.... who's there? its me,.... trouble!!!!!...and wiiiiiip everything is gone!...What do people do in situations like this? when everything crashes? Do they seek help or do they keep quite and go thru it alone? This year was a damn bad luck for me man! Not a good start! and i guess OR lets say i HAVE a feeling that this year WILL SUCK!! well well...I need to be strong...i know i can handle my own drama and everythin crapy going around!!! BEST OF LUCK TO ME RIGHT?!?!!? SEE YOU GUYS AROUND ;)