21 years in 4 hours!!
I really dont get exited about my birthdays..its too much attention and people look with love and blaaaah... last year i remember that i clelebrated it with boo in really really cute...hard to forget =) but this year...i been counting days!! this year its speciall...not that i care about birth-day...(STILL THANK GOD FOR IT...BUT U YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN) My friends have planed this day..i have no clue what they are plannig to do but they are making it sooo mysterious...plus they are planing it with boo so it makes MORE MYSTERIOUS :D

Postat av: Melissa - 22år & Cancer
Skummat igenom bloggen din, kommer hit fler gånger tror jag bestämt :)
Hoppas du har en bra torsdag! :)
Postat av: Anonym
säg gärna vad du tycker om mitt första videoinlägg!
http://amandapersson.blogg.se/2012/february/videoinlagg-wow.html#comment :D
Postat av: hilda
sv: jag anäver mitt 50 mm objektiv men låg bländare och sen redigerar jag dom i photoshop så dom blir ljusare och matta. Har skrivit hur man gör i det inlägget du kommentera!