Lesson of the day..Do not count on anyone
I'm a person who trust few persons in my life..and they cant be there for me everytime, i know that..but there is sometimes when you need them really bad! but they are not there, or even if they try their best..things dont change cause of that..so somtimes life really sucks...and you have to suck it in and go thru it all alone..its actually okey..cause you dont need to tell anyone how you feel, deep in your heart you know the pain,the feeling, you know yourself better then anyone etc. So people out there..trust yourself first! Dont sit and count on others..cause when you need them..the magic wont just sprinkle up your world!..WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER

Postat av: http://shirleeys.blogspot.com/
u mean *what Doesnt Kill u....right??
Postat av: Anna.Y
hahaha nice!