Feeling for some choclate shizell


Live the moment..next moment can change everything
There so much to say..but still.. it feels empty somehow...how can a perfect life change into a drama show man?? Things are like good and bad but suddenly KNOCK KNOCK on door.... who's there? its me,.... trouble!!!!!...and wiiiiiip everything is gone!...What do people do in situations like this? when everything crashes? Do they seek help or do they keep quite and go thru it alone? This year was a damn bad luck for me man! Not a good start! and i guess OR lets say i HAVE a feeling that this year WILL SUCK!! well well...I need to be strong...i know i can handle my own drama and everythin crapy going around!!! BEST OF LUCK TO ME RIGHT?!?!!? SEE YOU GUYS AROUND ;)

Nemo ♥
Heeey peeps...finally back in Stockholm!! And right now im at Patricia & Ryan's house...have alot to tell u guys about last year and this years START!! will uppload so many pics and tell you guys so many stories =)

Alright gotta goooo se you :D