My room

Too busy to enjoy

Crosses are my favorite jewellry right now

Lesson of the day..Do not count on anyone

Chicken Pasta =)



New stuff

A peice of feather plz?

Nothing to do so.....

Study Study Study Zzzzzzzzzz

Stupid wine lessons #!¤!"(
It was fun in begning..but knw i just wanna run away from school and jump in my bed....

The most yummi thing ever...
Couldn't figur out wot to french toast works every time ;) In 2hours i have class, so will be back home at evening :/ enjoy your day folks =)

Well..atleast i tried :/

Christmas tree 2011

You hurt the right person you will be wrong all your life- Tyga
It's funny that when we were kids we used to have big dreams, big wishes..ha, and look now..having all that..shouldn't life be perfect now?
As kids we look at teenage girls and wished that we had a life like her/them, i wish that i have this and that in my life..we watched movies and wished that someday we will have it all..we want to feel the love, the happiness, the money, realtionships, pain..we wished it! and to be honest as kids we used to act like adults..act like we are in love, or we have family etc, etc..
As an adult now..we look back in time..and wished that ''if i was still a kid'' i whould act like a kid and stay happy as long as i can..
As an grown up lady...i want to say somthing..
Sure i can make my own decision, sure i can go to places i have always dreamed about, sure i have money and can effored these shoes..sure i have love in my life...i have it all now...all that i wanted in my's here..i'm living it.
I also have the pain i used to wish for..that pain which was only filmy at once..but is my reality now..
Day after day..i can't stop it..even if i try, i tried my best...this guilt..this's apart of me know..i looked thru every door..i can't find the exit..people are saying the same thing..that i'm wrong. I know i'm wrong, i admit it!
This is too much...more then i can handle..i wanted so much..i have it all..but it's killing me...i need to make a decision..but i need my time... So lesson for everyone BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR
-Take Care-
Can't stop thinkin about these moments
I miss my home :(
I miss u Twix
Fully Faltuz
I miss u Pattiez
AND my biggest love RYAN..I MISS U
my janu banu Blade..and big bro
Miss u Sib
Miss waking up HOME!!
Some random shit from Stockholm this weekend